Saturday, January 24, 2009

Does Penis Size Matter?

"It's not the size that counts, it's how you use it." - AnonymousPenis size refers to -- as you might guess -- the size of a man's penis, whether the length of the shaft or the girth (the circumference around the shaft). One of the most widely searched topics on, penis size has remained an enduring interest to men for decades and is understandably a source of much anxiety. However, while size does matter, it really does not matter as much as most men think. The issue here is one of perception: Men perceive it as the defining element of their machismo, while women often evaluate the whole package: looks, style, intelligence, personality, and behavior.Regardless of whose perceptions are misplaced, penis size will forever persist as a primary concern for men worldwide, which is why AM has explored the topic so deeply. Look no further, as all you need to know is here, standing at the ready.
Penis Size on AMAs a men's magazine, AM cares about its audience -- men -- and men care about penis size. It's really as simple as that. From penis enlargement to determining average penis size, from small penis sex positions to female perceptions, AM has you covered with endless information from the very basics right down to the nitty-gritty details.
Penis Size FactWhen surveyed, women consistently claimed that girth was more important than length. This surprising response is seemingly odd as there appears to be no physiological basis for such claims, although more girth may provide more clitoral stimulation.

It's all in your head

OK, it's time for some scientific facts and figures to put to rest some of the outlandish claims and myths circulating about whether or not penis size matters and what's normal for the vast majority of men out there. A comprehensive worldwide study of more than 40 independent penis size research projects, undertaken since 1942, has come up with a general penis size guideline. With over 11,000 participants, the survey puts the average erect size of the adult penis between 5.5 inches and 6.2 inches in length and 4.7 inches and 5.1 inches in girth.If the science doesn't do it for you, and you're still wondering "does penis size matter," then the study also took a look at perceptions of size and asked more than 50,000 heterosexual men and women how they rated their own size or the size of their partner. They found that 85% of women were satisfied with their partner's penile size, but only 55% of men were satisfied. Notice anything? The women were much more forgiving and didn't feel like they were dealing with inferior goods if they weren't being bludgeoned with porn-star worthy penises. Chances are that women within measuring distance usually have better things on their minds than finding a ruler, and if they don't, penis size probably shouldn't be your first concern.
What she's thinking

Do you think you could accurately identify what 5.0 inches looks like within ¼ inch? Yeah, we didn't think so. And guess what, most women couldn't do it either. The variances in the middle ranges of penis sizes only offer up about ¾ of an inch from the low-end to the high-end of the scale, including racial variances that have seeped into popular culture, but remain largely unsubstantiated in the scientific community. So, unless you are the proud owner of a significantly smaller (under 4.0 inches erect) or significantly larger (over 7.5 inches), your partner's ability to identify your exact size and judge you on it are pretty slim.

Every penis is different and just like women's breasts, each has its own set of characteristics and there isn't much consensus on what makes an ideal member. Even so, women seem to be in agreement on a few things in this department: If given the choice between larger-than-average size with below-average skills and average size with above-average skills, there is no contest, skill beats size every time. However, if it makes you feel better, keep her perspective in mind. When you look down and catch a glimpse of yourself, the vantage point won't be as kind as when she's seeing it up close and personal. If you've ever employed your fingers to help a woman with an itch, you'll know that they are much smaller than a penis and that she seems to like them just fine.
Logistical notes on penis size

Now that you have a handle on your size and what she thinks of it, it's time to put her under the microscope. The vagina is a pretty adaptable thing and can comfortably accommodate both large and small penises with the same relative degree of comfort. Translation: There's no physiological reason for a large penis being inherently preferred over a more modest one. In fact, the vagina of a woman who hasn't had a child is only 3.0 inches long when she's not sexually excited, and even when she's aroused the average increase in size is only about another inch.Even if you happened to be packing an impressively long-barreled pistol, anything over the average is going to waste anyway -- there wouldn't be anywhere for those inches to go. Couple that with the fact that the first third of her vagina (the third closest to the opening) is the area that houses all of the nerve endings and is, therefore, the only area that actually registers sensation. The end result: According to a recent survey, 90% of women prefer a wide penis to a long one because increases in length do little to enhance her physical pleasure.
Get in the game

Worrying about your penis size or lamenting your lack of it won't do you much good in the long run, if anything it will hurt you. Being self-conscious will put a kink in your confidence and will probably prevent your next sexy encounter from having any kink in it. While studies report higher numbers of sexual conquests for men with larger than average penis sizes, that statistic can be a bit misleading. Since it's doubtful that the women were aware of the size prior to getting into bed, it can be argued that the increased number of sexual partners was a result of confidence and comfort rather than size itself. Fortunately for you, confidence is a much easier thing to come by than a few extra inches.
penile pressuresIf you are truly concerned with your ability to fulfill your woman, try to learn all you can about satisfying her all round, and learning tips, techniques and positions that can maximize what you've got. If that doesn't work, a quick trim of the hedges can give you an extra visual inch to impress her with -- not that you should really care about penis size that much in the first place.

6 Rear-Entry Positions

Whether you're a fan of the anal or vaginal canal, sex from behind can provide for some of the best sex you'll ever have. And contrary to popular opinion, women enjoy this position just as much as men do.Today's tip is going to add a little gusto to the rear-entry position. If you weren't yet aware of it, something as simple as moving her leg slightly or angling your penis differently can turn your "bend over" into a roller coaster ride of orgasms.The original rear-entry position involves the woman on all fours and the man (that would be you) behind her on his knees, holding onto her hips as he penetrates her. But we're going to change all that.So without further ado, here are six ways to add a little kick to your doggie stylin'.
1- The tight grip
If your woman has great balancing capabilities, then you're in for a great treat. Your woman starts off on her hands and knees, like she normally would for the rear-entry position. The catch is that when you place your hands on her waist, your objective is to lift her legs up so that her feet are against your butt (OK that's not really your objective, but you know what I mean).Although this may be difficult at first, the sensations this position provides are enough to keep you going -- or coming, as the case may be. In this position, penetrate her slowly and deeply.
2- The leg spread
With her lying on her stomach with her legs straight and closed, straddle on top of her. Your legs should also be stretched out, and somewhat spread. Your arms should be straight and holding you up. Make your way in and keep in mind that this position works best with deep, slow penetration.And if you feel like getting romantic, bend your elbows and kiss her mouth. She will, however, have to meet you halfway.
3- Deep penetration
Again, she lies down on her stomach, but this time her legs are spread open and her knees are bent (her feet should be in the air).Using your hands for support, straddle her slowly at first, but make sure your legs are together. This allows for deep penetration, and whether you thrust slowly or quickly, I can virtually guarantee that both you and she will achieve monumental orgasms.To add variation to this position, simply angle her thighs in different ways.
4- The chair bend over
Finally, props! Bend your woman over on a chair and have her lean on it with her elbows facing the spine of the chair. Enter her from behind and, with your left hand, lift her left leg and place it on your hip.Again, if you like deep penetration, then this position will take you far. To avoid injury or pain, place pillows under your and her knees. This will allow both of you to concentrate on the pleasure and not your cracking bones.
5- Stand and bang
For this position, you should both be on your feet, preferably in front of a mirror. Have her lean against the wall, office desk, etc., with her hands, and make your way behind her and inside her. You can use your hands to hold her waist, lean against the wall, or even play with her clitoris.The mirror will add more appeal to the position, as she will be able to look at you as you're doing your thing. As well, you get to see the look on her face as she reaches her climax.
6- The sideway insert
In this position, your woman should lie on her side (either side), lean on one elbow, and bring her legs forward. Lean on your hands, placing one on either side of her, and stretch your legs out as you place yourself inside.As well, you can opt to bend your knees and hold one of her legs up in the air (and possibly place it on your shoulder). This position provides more control over your thrusting.Or, you can always spoon it. Leaving her in the aforementioned position, make your way directly behind her, also leaning on your side, and press your body against hers as you thrust your way in.

Masturbation - fun or folly?

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, or worse yet, dismissive of your concerns, the real "harm" here is not physical. It's all the worry, shame, and conflict attached to masturbation by so many men, women, and children, thanks to negative associations with all kinds of sex — done by one's self and with others.
Strong negative messages play a role
These messages come from so many influential places — often for most of one's lifetime. It may not be true for you, but this cloud that hangs over many masturbators might send some looking for physical "harm" from this popular practice. It can be a way of justifying any bad feelings and beliefs about masturbation that might never allow going it alone totally okay.
"Blame everything on masturbation"That said, your "blame-it-on-masturbation" reasoning is understandable. If one sprouts hair in "strange" places, sports dark circles under the eyes, and says goodbye to those always reliable erections during and after stretches of solo-sex, one could easily conclude that these unwanted reactions came on as a result of whacking off.
Then, could it not also be said that hair loss, far-sightedness, and love handles also owe it to masturbation? And what about greater self-confidence, career changes, and the urge to buy property? The point: is it possible that all of these occurrences stem from something besides genital stimulation? Might aging also be the culprit?
It may not come up 'round the copier and coffee table, but many twenty- and thirtysomethings now include big black nose and ear hair plucking in their regular grooming routine. They'd also put down difficulty getting it up and keeping it there as a getting older symptom. Bags under the eyes? Yep, that's on the list, too.
Why not conduct this experiment?
If you're not convinced that masturbation doesn't play a direct role in the physical "consequences" that you're now experiencing, how about conducting an experiment? Masturbate less often, or refrain from doing it for a few months. and see if your symptoms disappear.
Take note that not "relieving" yourself for an extended period of time may lead to other unwanted physical and psychological situations, including irritability, difficulty concentrating, insomnia, and wet dreams. Now, it is possible that any stress, guilt, disgust, etc. with your personal sex play is making it harder to get and stay hard — these feelings are frequently powerful obstructions to sexual arousal. Also, if you're masturbating past your bedtime, dark circles may stare back at you the next morning. (Elna McIntosh)