1. The yogic chick
She loves to try out new fitness regimes. She has experimented with yoga, spinning, hoopla-she's the first to join a new class
She is: A follower. Which means she'll want you to take the lead. But this also means she get off-track easily. Big question: reliability. Will she stick with you for long or long enough to sample someone new? Tip: She'll dump you the minute she feels you're in a rut.
2. The efficient babe
She works out as fast as she can, and moves across the gym before you can spot her leotard. Some aerobics, some machines, crunches, stretching-all in 45 minutes.
She is: On a schedule. A complete efficiency expert. Danger: It might play out the same way in the bedroom. Five minutes of foreplay, seven minutes of sex-oops, time for a quick snack in between!
Does the same workout-treadmill or bike-three or four times a week, always while watching TV or reading a newspaper or magazine.
She is: A multitasker. Her head wants to do different things even when her body says otherwise. She's thinking: Let's do something mindless, but keep me entertained. Tough to please on a date. Unless you go to the circus.
4. The gossiper
Runs with friends, usually at lunch. She is a talker and loves her audience.
She is: Definitely a gossiper. She fuels herself on other people's energy and her way of life depends on this. She will be with you as long as it interests her.
5. The disciplinarian
Walks every morning. Same place, same route, same pace.
She is: A disciplinarian. She keeps to a schedule and is trustworthy. She won't do the club scene, butshe's probably a good listener- and could be the best catch of them all.
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